
Frequently Asked Questions


Nothing else like Oversing exists. So we can only compare it to Search and Social Media: providing users the kind of insights into their, and their coworkers, and their organization's abilities in the workplace that search and social media have provided for marketers and social scientists into human preferences - except that our purpose is to improve the user, rather than the abilities of marketers to reach you.  The paradigm we tend to think of is a social game, in Facebook, with task and project management, all sitting on a project accounting system, all gathering statistics - all of which is conspiring to help you create a culture of continuous self improvement, of yourselves, your group, your organization and your customers - and by doing that, improving the world.

When Oversing reaches maturity, our objective is to provide best in class in Unstructured, Structured, and Policy and Procedure work, with light commerce, parts and products: the inverse of SAP's approach which heavily focuses on material things and material asset accounting, we will emphasize humans, and  human capital accounting, gamifying the workplace, and providing insight into the previously unseen and unmeasurable value of individuals and groups.

We plan to consolidate the social era's innovations into a universal business platform that defines the next generation of business applications.

Everyone seems obsessed with creating point solutions rather than making the heavy investment in the big picture.  So that's why we spent three years building it.



  • Email, Chat, Messaging and Calendar - Slack, Facebook, Yammer, Outlook, Gmail
  • Content, Collaboration and File Storage - SharePoint, Confluence, and many others.
  • Task Management, Help Desk - Jira Helpdesk.
  • Light Project Management - Trello, Asana, Wrike, and dozens of others.
  • Project and Program Management (manage budget and costs) - Atlassian Jira, Changepoint, and dozens of others.
  • Jobs and Work Order Management
  • Components, Assemblies, Products, Bundles, Pricing and Discounting.
  • Enterprise Financial Accounting - Microsoft, Sage, SAP, Netsuite
  • Customer Relationship Management (C.R.M) - For Sales and Marketing. (all organizations)
  • Professional Services Automation (P.S.A) - For Time, Materials, Expenses. (White collar service work) - AtTask, ChangePoint, Tenrox.
  • Enterprise Resource Automation (E.R.P.) - For Parts, Components, Equipment, Bundles (Manufacturing and Distribution) - SAP, Oracle, Sage, Microsoft.
  • Human Resources, Recruiting, and Career Management (H.R.M.)
CONSTANT EDUCATION AND IMPROVEMENT Given that the academy is limited to teaching general principles, the workplace will increasingly require training in both soft and hard skills. TOTAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
  • Providing all functions of Unstructured, Structured, and Policy and Procedure applications, for all functions in the organization.
THE FUTURE It is likely that one or more of the following will occur:
  • (a) the established accounting providers will consolidate the task and collaboration business just as they consolidated the ERP business.
  • (b) The cloud storage businesses that were founded on consumer spending will move upward into the enterprise market by acquiring or developing contextual collaboration and task management software.
  • (c) An established player (like Google) which has been unable to find the next 'killer app' for the enterprise will seek to acquire or consolidate contextual collaboration and task management software.
The central problem is the sales channel development, the support network, and selling to the C-office rather than SMB and Departmental Managers. These companies have had nothing new to sell customers in years other than the movement to the cloud, and most are sitting on 'antique' user experiences.
  • Testing: The purpose of our beta is to put our theory into practice and find any usability issues or bugs that we missed. Oversing is a very dynamic system and we cannot anticipate all of the possible uses customers might envision - beta will identify those issues.
  • User Education: User Documentation, Training and Support.
  • Ecommerce: Ecommerce integration, and instance automation.
  • Performance (usual housekeeping) Hardening (security)
  • Websockets: Expand websocket coverage to remaining individual pages. (only active on the workspace at present).
Release v1
  • Release Oversing to the market.
  • Federation (internal feature)
  • Gantt Chart improvements
  • Timeline View (like Gantt, but cards instead of bars, and without dependencies.)
  • Native Spreadsheet Content Entity
  • "Simple View" simple, single level task list.
  • Custom Properties
  • Add Amazon Full Text Search
The Profiling System (Learning about you, for you) Depends upon Federation to collect and aggregate individual Metrics.
  • Personality Surveys, Metrics and Comparisons
  • Dashboards  (overviews) in Page Headers
Oversing's Post-Email Email - The Replacement for Email
  • Secure, Encrypted, Messaging and Documents, always within context, and with responses.
Sales and Content Management
  • Expose the Sales Management Functionality, meaning goals, budgets,  iterations and campaigns.
  • Commissions Engine (Extending sub-ledgers Time, Expenses, Adjustments, Transfers, to include Commissions).  Add Commission rule engine. (We were not able to complete the rule engine for the beta)
  • Expose the CRM functionality. The entities are already in the system but we have not propagated the set of fields that track sales goals, commits, and actuals.  We are still questioning whether we want to add scripting to the call process, as we are uncomfortable associating Oversing with that kind of market. We will undoubtably submit to the pressure of financial opportunity but at present we feel that leads, opportunities, and deals of relationship sales is our initial market objective, and not call centers. (yes, we know. There is a lot of money to be made there. But we would have to feel we had provided an interesting solution that improves upon the poor service provided by those kinds of systems. We know how that kind of system looks because companies currently utilize a more 'human' process, but those companies have higher margins.  In other words, if you wouldn't see Apple do it, I don't think we want to put it into our product - regardless of how much money it would make.
  • Content Management: Content Management Tab, Content Authoring, and Wordpress Plugin Integration for Conducting Research, Content Creation, Authoring Documentation and Wiki Contribution. Including the 'Scrivenings' method that brings agile processes to the process of authoring content. This provides the greatest existing range of possibilities for the creation, presentation and management of content.  For those of us that write a great deal there has been a revolution in the content authoring business that has left the Word and Wiki eras behind.  We think this will be one of the best uses of oversing.
  • Single-Stack Card View: We want to add single stack option to the Board view, so that cards are arranged in a vertical list rather than horizontal rows.  By default, Oversing displays an agile board, and maintains a board order, but attempts to show as many cards as possible.  The 'Trello' view of the world, is a list of cards, not a set.    Boards allow users to choose the order of their work, and lists suggest the order of the work. And there are many people who prefer that metaphor when working.
Career Management Features We have designed this system but it's the biggest subsystem we have to develop. So we need a separate release for it.
  • Executive Goal Management
  • Career and Review Management
  • Positions, Compensation Management
  • Recruiting Management
ERP Features
  • Components, Assemblies, Bundles and Discounts.
3D Workspace View
  • Allow users to create 'Maps' through projects.
Financial Accounting
  • Enterprise Financial Accounting in addition to Project Accounting.
  • Expose API
  • Templates for saving different Programs, Projects, Deliverables, and Task collections.
  • Microsoft Exchange (outlook), Gmail, Slack integration.
  • Microsoft Active Directory integration, Apple Network Integration.
  • Github Integration
Education Integration
  • (For Later)

We deliberately didn't include some features in our beta and version 1 releases. We may or may not have made the right decision in all cases, but Oversing is a large complex product and we have a very small development team, and we have to make sacrifices somewhere. So we focused on the user-centric features and sacrificed integration. This is because we know the business of our early adopters and it will not influence their decisions - although it might influence yours.

1) Accounting: Oversing is a project accounting system ( rather than static account system) that functions as a management accounting system (and not a financial accounting system), that provides insight into profit and loss from operations (EBITDA). Separating Financial Accounting (reporting to banks, investors, and the government for the purpose of credit, returns, and taxes) from management accounting (insight into the productivity of the business rather than the financial assets of the business), "de-obfuscates" (fancy word) the performance of the business that is under control of the management and staff. We felt that the world, and accountants in particular, did not want or need another accounting system to learn. And we felt that Oversing would make use of existing accounting system providers and consultants as a distribution channel.

2) API Access: We simply ran out of time. Nothing more to it than that. It's not particularly difficult. But we promise that we will get it done in the near future.

3) External System Integration: External system integration with Email, Contacts and Calendar (Exchange) and Security (Active Directory) requires that we expose the API. And yes, we do understand how important this feature is.

4) Full Text Search: While the technology to provide full text searching is both open source and well understood, we simply ran out of time to both integrate it, and ensure that we had solved the security and permissions issues that oversing requires.

5) Custom Fields: Custom fields, when implemented by traditional methods, cause a hefty learning, architectural and performance penalty - and we already do quite a bit of 'magic' ('denormalization') to keep Oversing fast for our users. The solution that circumvents this problem requires Full Text Search, so that custom fields can be searched by the full text index in denormalized form rather than denormalized data. So we will implement custom fields and custom search together.

6) The Compensation Cycle, Positions and Budgeting: We felt that it was unlikely that during our first year, enterprises with over 1000 employees would convert to Oversing for the purpose of managing their compensation planning and budgeting, rather than adopt oversing for management and perhaps convert their compensation planning at a later time. So as a practical matter, we chose to add this feature later.

Additionally, some features are not exposed in the beta. Our strategy is to release collaboration, task, project management, and time, expenses, and invoicing first, then release the recruiting, sales, culture, career development and personality profile features as we finished them. This starts with the central market then expands to provide coverage to more and more of the organization's functions.

7) Sales features, Recruiting features, Culture features, and Personality Statistics:

(a) We have not exposed the sales management features in the Beta. It's under the covers but we need to complete a little more work before we make it visible to you in V1 - the followup notifications in particular. These are minor tweaks but the need to be done before we expose the features to you.

(b) Although we use Oversing for Recruiting ourselves, and it's under the covers, we feel we need to complete a little more work before we make it visible to you in V1 - We need to add a few events and properties to different 'candidate' objects first.

(c) The unfinished Culture features are fairly simple and more of a user education problem than a software one. So we delayed them.

(d) our favorite feature in Oversing is the feedback system that provides you (and management) with objective feedback about you and your performance in the sociology of your organization, as well as metrics on the culture of your organization. But without substantial data accumulated, any statistical inferences we might make will be questionable, so we delayed this feature release until we have sufficient data.

And, there are some features we simply prefer not to include in our product.

8) Scripting Calls And there is one feature we are ... less than enthusiastic about: scripting sales calls. This is one of the largest and most profitable sections of the market. But it violates our ethical standard of 'stealing' attention from customers, and we do not feel it is something good brands should engage in. And we prefer to be associated with good brands. So as a strategic decision - and possibly a bad one - we chose not to implement it. So, it's a decision that we will revisit in the future.

We get asked a lot of questions, we've gathered them together to make it easier for you. This page is regularly updated, so be sure to check back for our latest updates.
  • Who has access to our data? By default, Oversing creates an account in each database and grants access to Reality by Chanting Support Personnel.   These personnel cannot access your application if you revoke that permission, or disable their account.  But, support personnel often cannot help you without that permission.   If support requests are escalated to our developers, they too may access your application, as long as you do not revoke Reality by Chanting's permissions.   The hosting team can access your database for maintenance purposes.  The developers cannot access your database without permission of the hosting team. However they may need access to diagnose a support issue.
  • Is our data encrypted? Reality by Chanting uses TLS to protect information while in transit across the Internet. We have implemented TLS1.2 and Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) to further support data protection.  Almost all information in the database is not encrypted.
  • Is TLS always used? Yes, all Oversing's systems only use TLS, along with PFS, for communication. In line with Industry standards, we have removed support for SSL 3.
  • How are our passwords stored? Passwords are cryptographically hashed in Oversing - and for security reasons we do not disclose the algorithm.
See our Prices. Our pricing is very simple: We want everyone possible to use Oversing to create great workplaces, where great talent, creates great work.  So Oversing is priced as low as we possibly can manage - and our goal is to keep decreasing the price. And unlike others, we don't play games with you by charging extra for every little feature.  Instead, Oversing includes the full feature set for every customer.  If you want to 'turn features off', then you can use the permissions system to disable them. Otherwise, you get everything for one price. Everything. And if your organization has a lot of users, then the price decreases. Oversing is more than a product to us. It's a mission to change the culture of the workplace through Sovereignty.
We do not offer discounts.   We offer the best possible price already.  And we are committed to continuing to offer the best price possible.  So the discount is already built into our prices.

1. Introduction

This User Agreement, in combination with Reality by Chanting's general Terms of Service, sets forth the terms and conditions under which Reality by Chanting makes the Service available to you. The Terms of Service is an integral part of this User Agreement and is incorporated herein by reference.

2. Definitions

Capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement will have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service.

3. Acceptance

Your acceptance of these terms is signified by your registration for the Reality by Chanting Service. By doing so, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement and the Terms of Service. You have the right to have a record of this User Agreement and any other Agreement you enter into with Reality by Chanting made available via email upon request for no additional fee. Simply e-mail such request to In addition to signifying your acceptance of these terms, in order to use or continue to use the Service you may be required to and you agree to provide information as requested by Reality by Chanting. In such an event, you consent to Reality by Chanting's disclosure of such information to third parties in order to verify such information (if Reality by Chanting chooses to conduct such verification, which it is not obligated to do) or in order to comply with federal, state, or local laws or regulations.

4. User Accounts and Conduct

Without limiting any other remedies, Reality by Chanting may suspend or terminate your account if we suspect, in our sole judgment, that you (by conviction, settlement, insurance or escrow investigation, or otherwise) have engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activity in connection with the Site or have engaged in activities in violation of the terms of this User Agreement, the Terms of Service or related Agreements with Reality by Chanting. If Reality by Chanting suspends or terminates your account, you may not open a new account (under your name, a fictitious name, or someone else's name). You will be solely and fully liable and responsible for all activities provided under your username and password.

5. Reality by Chanting as a Venue

Reality by Chanting provides a venue where you may either i) work with internal teams, ii) perform services for clients or partners, or iii) receive services from contractors, consultants, or partners on the Site. The specific features of the Site are to be determined solely by Reality by Chanting and are subject to change or termination without notice. You have no rights in and to the Site and Service or in and to any use or continued use of such Site or Service. Reality by Chanting makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the ability or willingness of the parties to pay for the services provided. When acting as a consultant, you bear the entire risk with regard to payment for your work. Similarly, when you are acting as a client, Reality by Chanting makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the applicability, accuracy, value, quality, or appropriateness of the work provided by any providers on the Site. You acknowledge that Reality by Chanting is not a traditional service provider. Instead, the Site is a venue to allow anyone to offer, sell, deliver, and procure services anytime, from anywhere, in a variety of formats. Reality by Chanting is not involved in the actual transaction between the Users. We have no control over and do not guarantee i) the legitimacy, truth, or accuracy of the work, Users’ content, or project postings, ii) the ability or quality of service of providers, iii) the ability of clients or contractors to pay for items, or iv) that parties will actually complete a transaction.

6. Liability

Regardless of the previous paragraph, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of (a) the total fees you paid to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to the liability, or (b) $100.

7. User Warranties

By submitting the User Agreement and completing the on-line registration process, you represent and warrant the following: i. You will not misrepresent yourself or create a misleading username. You will always accurately describe and represent your background, skills, knowledge, and level of experience (including educational background, degrees, current business standing, etc), and other applicable information when using the Site or providing services. You will maintain and update such information so that it remains true, accurate, and complete. ii. You will not provide any legal or medical advice or other professional advice or information (such as securities, tax, psychiatry, veterinary, etc) that may only lawfully be rendered or provided by a licensed professional unless you are such a licensed professional in good standing and you abide by all the rules and regulations of such profession. iii. In addition to the other terms and conditions of the Terms of Service and this User Agreement, you expressly represent and warrant that you (a) have read, understand, and agree to be bound by this User Agreement and the Terms of Service, (b) will not engage in the restricted activities listed in Section 5 of the Terms of Service, and (c) will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Reality by Chanting against any claims or damage incurred by Reality by Chanting resulting from or at all related to your failure to abide by the terms of this User Agreement or the Terms of Service. iv. You will not conduct any illegal or fraudulent activities on our Site or in the use of our Service, and you hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Reality by Chanting in the event that Reality by Chanting concludes that you have engaged in any such illegal or fraudulent activities. v. Unless otherwise expressly stated by Reality by Chanting through a recognition program or otherwise, you agree and acknowledge that (a) nothing regarding your participation on the Site will be considered as an endorsement, referral, or recommendation by Reality by Chanting or any other User of you or the work you provide and (b) you will not, either on the Site or in any other forum or by any other means, suggest such an endorsement.

8. Payment, Refunds, Upgrades, and Downgrades

i. A valid credit card is required for paying accounts. ii. If you are eligible for a trial of a paying plan, your trial will begin upon your paid plan sign up or your upgrade to a paying plan, whichever is first. If you downgrade or cancel during your trial you rescind your right to any future trials. iii. The Service is billed in advance on a monthly basis and is non-refundable. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of service, upgrade/downgrade refunds, or refunds for months unused with an open account. iv.For any upgrade or downgrade in plan level, the credit card account that you provided will automatically be charged the new rate on your next billing cycle. v. You agree to pay all fees and usage or subscription costs incurred through your use of the Service. In addition to any legal or other measures we may take to recover any monies due, Reality by Chanting may terminate your access to the Service immediately should there be any unpaid fees or usage or subscription costs owed by you, including but not limited to monthly or annual subscription fees. vi. Unless otherwise stated, all payments are quoted in U.S. Dollars. You are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes associated with your use of the Service in a timely manner.

9. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Reality by Chanting, any and all parent, subsidiary, or affiliate organizations, officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees, asserted by any third party that are in any way due to or arising out of your use of or conduct on the Service, including, without limitation, that result from any of your work provided and/or relied upon on the Site. Reality by Chanting shall provide you reasonable notice of such claim.

10. No Relationship

No relationship (such as partnership, agent, joint venture, or employee) between you and Reality by Chanting is created by this User Agreement or your participation on the Site.
This Reality by Chanting Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is between you ("you" or "Customer"), and Reality by Chanting Ltd  ("Reality by Chanting" or "we"). If you are agreeing to this Agreement not as an individual but on behalf of your company, then "Customer" or "you" means your company, and you are binding your company to this Agreement and represent and warrant that you have all necessary authority to do so. This Agreement sets forth the terms under which Reality by Chanting will provide you with certain professional services described on order forms (including online order flows) referencing this Agreement ("Order Forms" and such services, "Services"). Services are provided on a subscription basis for a set term designated on the Order Form (the "Subscription Term"). This Agreement governs Customer’s initial purchase of Services as well as any future purchases made by Customer that reference this Agreement. The Agreement also includes any Reality by Chanting policies or documents attached to or referenced in this document, as well as any Order Forms entered into by the Parties. This Agreement is separate from the agreement that Reality by Chanting has with its end users at https://www.Reality by (as may be modified by Reality by Chanting from time to time, "Reality by Chanting Customer Agreement") regarding the use of Reality by Chanting Products (the "Products"). This Agreement does not have to be signed in order to be binding. You indicate your assent to the terms by clicking on the "I agree" (or similar button) that is presented to you at the time of your order or by signing an Order Form.

1. Services and Deliverables.

During the applicable Subscription Term Reality by Chanting agrees to use diligent efforts to render the Services by the delivery dates specified on the applicable Order Form, if any. Subject to Section 4 (Reality by Chanting Products) below, any reports, recommendations or other deliverables provided by Reality by Chanting to you as part of the Services are "Deliverables". Reality by Chanting grants you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the Deliverables internally in connection with the applicable Products.

2. Customer Materials.

Customer agrees to provide Reality by Chanting with reasonable access to Customer materials, personnel, equipment or facilities (including without limitation Customer’s instances of the Products) to the extent such access is necessary for the performance of Services. To the extent that Customer does not timely provide the foregoing access required for Reality by Chanting to perform the Services or deliver the Deliverables, Reality by Chanting shall be excused from performance until such items are provided. Customer hereby grants Reality by Chanting a limited right to use any Customer materials provided to Reality by Chanting in connection with the Services (the "Customer Materials") solely for the purpose of performing the Services for Customer. Customer owns and will retain ownership (including all intellectual property rights) in and to the Customer Materials (subject to Reality by Chanting’s ownership of any underlying Products, service descriptions, documentation, and underlying technology ("Reality by Chanting Technology").

3. Ownership of Deliverables; Feedback.

Reality by Chanting owns and will retain ownership (including all intellectual property rights) in and to the Deliverables and any modifications, improvements and derivative works thereof (including any such materials to the extent incorporating any Feedback). If Customer provides any feedback, comments, suggestions, ideas, description of processes, or other information to Reality by Chanting about or in connection with the Products, Deliverables or Services, including without limitation any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained therein ("Feedback"), then Customer grants Reality by Chanting a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable license to use, copy, modify and otherwise exploit the Feedback for any purpose, without any compensation to Customer or any restriction or obligation on account of intellectual property rights or otherwise. For clarity, no Feedback will be deemed Customer’s Confidential Information, and nothing in this Agreement, including without limitation Section 9 (Confidential Information), limits Reality by Chanting's right to independently use, develop, evaluate, or market products, whether incorporating Feedback or otherwise.

4. Reality by Chanting Products.

For the avoidance of doubt, the rights to and delivery and use of any Reality by Chanting Technology (including any Product) is governed by the terms of the Reality by Chanting Customer Agreement and not the terms of this Agreement, and, even if listed in an Order Form, no Reality by Chanting Technology (including any Product updates, upgrades, patches and bug fixes) shall be considered a Deliverable hereunder. Customer acknowledges that the Services are being purchased separately from any Product licenses or subscriptions and that no such license or subscription is being provided or offered under this Agreement. Fees for the Services are separate from any fees paid for Products, and Customer’s payment obligations hereunder are not contingent on the purchase or use of any Product.

5. Subscription Term; Payment.

5.1. Subscription Term and Renewals. Unless otherwise specified on the applicable Order Form, each Subscription Term for Services will automatically renew for additional successive Subscription Terms of the same length at Reality by Chanting’s then-current rates, unless either party gives the other written notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the then-current Subscription Term. 5.2. Payment. Customer will pay Reality by Chanting the amounts and at the times set forth on the applicable Order Form. Customer agrees to reimburse Reality by Chanting for pre-approved travel, lodging and meal expenses incurred in the course of performing the Services at any location other than Reality by Chanting’s site, unless otherwise specified on the Order Form (including any data sheet incorporated therein by reference). Reality by Chanting will invoice Customer for expenses incurred and at Customer’s request and expense, Reality by Chanting will provide copies of receipts for which charges are incurred. All payments are non-refundable and all payment obligations non-cancellable unless otherwise specified on an Order Form. Payments shall be made in U.S. dollars within thirty (30) days from the date of Reality by Chanting’s invoice. Customer will be responsible for all taxes, withholdings, duties and levies in connection with the Services (excluding taxes based on the net income of Reality by Chanting). Upon termination all payments for Services shall be accelerated and become immediately due and payable. Any late payments shall be subject to a service charge equal to 1.5% per month of the amount due or the maximum amount allowed by law, whichever is less.

6. Term and Termination.

This Agreement takes effect on the Effective Date and, unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Section 6, remains in effect until expiration or termination of all Subscription Terms. The "Effective Date" of this Agreement is the date which is the earlier of (a) Customer’s initial receipt of Services or (b) the effective date of the first Order Form referencing this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement or any Order Form if the other party: (i) fails to cure any material breach of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after written notice of such breach; (ii) ceases operation without a successor; or (iii) seeks protection under any bankruptcy, receivership, trust deed, creditors arrangement, composition or comparable proceeding, or if any such proceeding is instituted against such party (and not dismissed within sixty (60) days thereafter). Sections 3 (Ownership of Deliverables; Feedback), 4 (Reality by Chanting Products), 5.2 (Payment) (but only with respect to orders placed during the term hereof), 7 (Warranty Disclaimer), 8 (Limitation of Liability), 9 (Confidential Information), 10 (Publicity), 11 (Dispute Resolution; Governing Law), 14 (Assignment) and 15 (General) will survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement. Unless termination is for Customer’s breach, Customer’s right under Section 1 (Services and Deliverables) to use Deliverables shall survive so long as Customer has a valid right under the Reality by Chanting Customer Agreement to use the applicable Product and provided that Customer remains in compliance with the applicable use restrictions and confidentiality obligations in Sections 1 and 9 herein.

7. Warranty Disclaimer.




9. Confidential Information.

Each party (as "Receiving Party") agrees that all code, inventions, know-how, and business, technical and financial information it obtains from the disclosing party (as "Disclosing Party") constitute the confidential property of the Disclosing Party ("Confidential Information"), provided that it is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure or should be reasonably known by the Receiving Party to be Confidential Information due to the nature of the information disclosed and the circumstances surrounding the disclosure. The Deliverables and any software, documentation or technical information provided by Reality by Chanting (or its agents) shall be deemed Confidential Information of Reality by Chanting without any marking or further designation. Except as expressly authorized herein, the Receiving Party will hold in confidence and not use or disclose any Confidential Information. The Receiving Party’s nondisclosure obligation shall not apply to information which the Receiving Party can document: (a) was rightfully in its possession or known to it prior to receipt of the Confidential Information; (b) is or has become public knowledge through no fault of the Receiving Party; (c) is rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a third party without breach of any confidentiality obligation; or (d) is independently developed by employees of the Receiving Party who had no access to such information. Receiving Party may also disclose Confidential Information if so required pursuant to a regulation, law or court order (but only to the minimum extent required to comply with such regulation or order and with advance notice to the Disclosing Party).

10. Dispute Resolution; Governing Law.

10.1. Dispute Resolution; Arbitration. In the event of any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the parties hereto shall consult and negotiate with each other and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a solution satisfactory to both parties. If the parties do not reach a settlement within a period of 60 days, any unresolved controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall proceed to binding arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The parties shall seek to mutually appoint an arbitrator. If the parties cannot agree on a single arbitrator, then there shall be three (3) arbitrators: one selected by each party, and a third selected by the first two. Arbitration will take place in one of the following cities as mutually agreed between the parties: Sydney (Australia), Amsterdam (Netherlands) or San Francisco, CA (USA). If the parties are unable to agree to one of these cities, then the arbitration shall proceed in San Francisco, CA (USA). All negotiations and arbitration proceedings pursuant to this Section 11.1 will be confidential and treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of all similar rules and codes of evidence of applicable legislation and jurisdictions. The language of the arbitration shall be English. 10.2. Governing Law; Jurisdiction. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of California, USA, without giving effect to the principles of that State relating to conflicts of laws. Each party irrevocably agrees that any legal action, suit or proceeding that is not otherwise subject to the arbitration provisions of Section 11.1 (Dispute Resolution; Arbitration) must be brought solely and exclusively in, and will be subject to the service of process and other applicable procedural rules of, the State or Federal court in San Francisco, California, USA, and each party irrevocably submits to the sole and exclusive personal jurisdiction of the courts in San Francisco, California, USA, generally and unconditionally, with respect to any action, suit or proceeding brought by it or against it by the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Reality by Chanting may bring a claim for equitable relief in any court with proper jurisdiction. 10.3. Injunctive Relief; Enforcement. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 11, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief with respect to a violation of intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations or enforcement or recognition of any award or order in any appropriate jurisdiction. 10.4. Exclusion of UN Convention and UCITA. The terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) shall not apply to this Agreement regardless of when or where adopted.

11. Force Majeure.

Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to events which are beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to any strike, blockade, war, act of terrorism, riot, natural disaster, failure or diminishment of power or of telecommunications or data networks or services, or refusal of approval or a license by a government agency.

12. Subcontractors.

Reality by Chanting may use the services of subcontractors for performance of Services under this Agreement, provided that Reality by Chanting remains responsible for (a) compliance of any such subcontractor with the terms of this Agreement and (b) for the overall performance of the Services as required under this Agreement.

13. Assignment.

Customer may not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Reality by Chanting (which consent will not be unreasonably withheld), provided that the assignee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Reality by Chanting may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part without consent of Customer. Any permitted assignee shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

14. General.

This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Reality by Chanting relating to the Services and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations with respect to the Services or any other subject matter covered by this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding,unless executed in writing by a duly authorized representative of each party to this Agreement. As used herein, "including" (and its variants) means "including without limitation" (and its variants). If either party to this Agreement breaches any provision of this Agreement relating to Confidential Information or intellectual property rights, there may not be an adequate remedy available solely at law; therefore, an injunction, specific performance or other form of equitable relief or monetary damages or any combination thereof may be sought by the injured party to this Agreement. No failure or delay by the injured party to this Agreement in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any right, power or privilege hereunder at law or equity. The parties are independent contractors. This Agreement shall not be construed as constituting either party as a partner of the other or to create any other form of legal association that would give on party the express or implied right, power or authority to create any duty or obligation of the other party. Any notice, report, approval or consent required or permitted under this Agreement will be in writing to the address specified on the Order Form or such other address as may be given in writing by either party to the other.

1. Introduction

Welcome to Reality by Chanting. The following are the terms and conditions for use of this Reality by Chanting service, which can be found at www.Reality by (the "Service" or "Site"). If you believe that any content or activity on the Site violates any of these Terms, please e-mail info@Reality by immediately. Reality by Chanting reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time without notice for any reason.

2. Definitions

i. A "User" is anyone who accesses, browses, crawls, scrapes, or in any way uses the Site. The terms "you" and "your" refer to you, as a User of the Site. The terms "we", "us", and "Reality by Chanting" refer to Reality by Chanting, Inc., a Delaware corporation. "Terms" or "Terms of Service" refer to the terms contained in this Agreement. ii. "Content" means text, images, photos, audio, video, and all other forms of data or communication. "Your Content" means Content that you submit, post, or transmit to, or are using on, the Site, such as communications, workspace posts, reviews, compliments, information that you display as part of your account profile, invitations, or other data that you may submit, post, or transmit to, or are using on, the Site. Your Content does not include the information that you submit in order to create an account on the Site. "User Content" means Content that Users submit, post, or transmit to, or are using on, the Site. "Reality by Chanting Content" means Content that is created by Reality by Chanting and made available on the Site. "Third Party Content" means Content that is made available on the Site by parties other than Reality by Chanting or the Users, such as data providers that license data for use on the Site. "Site Content" means all of the Content that is made available on the Site, including Your Content, User Content, Third Party Content, and Reality by Chanting Content. iii. “Public Content” means the information that you submit or post to the Reality by Chanting Sites for public display, such as information that you display as part of your public profile or any other social or public submission areas that Reality by Chanting might make optionally available for you in the future. iv. “Private Content” means the “User Content” that you submit, post, or transmit to the non-public areas of the site, including but not limited to secure workspaces.

3. Acceptance

By using our Site in any way, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following Terms and any related "Agreements" (which include, without limitation, the Privacy and Security Policy, and if applicable to you, the User Agreement, and all rules or policies posted on the Site). Please review the following Terms carefully. If you do not agree with the Terms or any of the related Agreements in their entirety, do not use the Service. You must be at least 18 years old to use this Service. You have the right to have a record of these Terms and any related Agreement you enter into with Reality by Chanting made available on paper form upon request for no additional fee. Simply e-mail info@Reality by with such a request.

4. User Accounts

You represent that you are authorized to create and access an account. Through the user process, you will establish a user name and password for access to your online account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user name, account data, and password. You agree to comply with all billing procedures, including providing and maintaining accurate and lawful billing information for active Reality by Chanting accounts. You agree that you are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your account or password, including the Content of your account as used throughout the Service. You will immediately notify Reality by Chanting of any unauthorized use of your password or account. You are prohibited from soliciting Users of this Site including Consultants for any purpose (including inviting other Users to contact you outside the Site or inviting Consultants to participate in a competing website) except with advance written consent. Without limiting any other remedies, Reality by Chanting may suspend or terminate your account if we suspect, in our sole judgment, that you (by conviction, settlement, insurance or escrow investigation, or otherwise) have engaged in fraudulent activity in connection with the Site or have engaged in activities in violation of these Terms or any related Agreements with Reality by Chanting.

5. Restrictions on Use

You agree that you will not: i. use the Site to threaten, stalk, defraud, incite, harass, or advocate the harassment or defrauding of another person, or otherwise interfere with another User's use of the Site; ii. use the Site to transmit or post spam, chain letters, contests, junk email, pyramid schemes, surveys, or other mass messaging, whether commercial in nature or not; iii. use the Site for promotional or commercial purposes, except as expressly permitted by Reality by Chanting; iv. use the Site in a manner that may create a conflict of interest, such as soliciting shill reviews; v. use the Site for keyword spamming or to otherwise attempt to manipulate search results; vi. use the Site to promote bigotry or discrimination against protected classes; vii. use the Site to violate any third-party right, including any breach of confidence, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right; viii. use the Site to transmit or post pornography or illegal content; ix. use the Site to solicit personal information from minors or to harm or threaten to cause harm to minors; x. use the Site in violation of the Terms or any applicable law; xi. modify, adapt, appropriate, reproduce, distribute, translate, create derivative works or adaptations of, publicly display, sell, trade, or in any way exploit the Site or Site Content (other than Your Content), except as expressly authorized by Reality by Chanting; xii. reverse engineer any portion of the Site, except as may be permitted under the law; xiii. remove or modify any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice on the Site or on any materials printed or copied off of the Site; xiv. record, process, or mine information about other Users; xv. use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other automated device, process, or means to access, retrieve, scrape, or index the Site or any Site Content; xvi. access, retrieve, or index the Site to construct or populate a searchable database of business; xvii. reformat or frame any portion of the Site; xviii. take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on Reality by Chanting's technology infrastructure; xix. attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, User accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to the Site through hacking, password mining, or any other means; use the Site or any Site Content to transmit any computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, or other items of a destructive nature (collectively, "Viruses"); use any device, software, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Site, or otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site; make excessive traffic demands; use the Site to violate the security of any computer network or to crack passwords or security encryption codes; disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Site or Site Content; remove, circumvent, disable, damage, or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the Site, features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of Site Content, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the Site; or xx. use the Site to consummate any transaction that was initiated using our Service that, by paying to us a fee, could cause us to violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, or regulation.

6. Reality by Chanting is a Venue; Release

Reality by Chanting acts as a venue to allow Users to engage with each other in online workspaces. Reality by Chanting is not involved in the actual conversation between Users. Reality by Chanting does not edit, modify, filter, screen, or otherwise monitor the content of questions, projects, submissions, deliverables, profiles, qualifications, or comments or have any obligation to monitor the Content. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety, or legality of the User Content , the truth or accuracy of the User Content, the ability of parties to provide quality deliverables, or the ability of parties to pay for services delivered. Reality by Chanting cannot ensure that a party will actually complete a transaction. Because we are a venue, in the event that you have a dispute with one or more Users, you release Reality by Chanting (and our officers, directors, agents, parents, subsidiaries, joint venturers, and employees) from any and all claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code §1542, which says: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR".

7. No Assurances Given From and No Reliance on Term "Consultant"

Throughout this Site, certain terms, including "Maven", "Expert", "Consultant," or "Advisor" may be used to refer to someone who claims to have certain knowledge, background, or experience that may be useful in responding to a question or project posed by a User. Use of such terms provides no assurance that the person providing services on Reality by Chanting has any expertise or qualifications to give such advice. You acknowledge that Reality by Chanting is not obligated to independently verify his or her qualifications. If you believe that a deliverable that you receive from a party is not what you requested for any reason, your sole remedy is to disregard the deliverable and not pay for it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Reality by Chanting reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove any Content that it believes violates any of these Terms, including, without limitation, any objectionable or personally identifiable information.

8. Identity Verification

Because user verification on the Internet is difficult, Reality by Chanting cannot and does not confirm each User's purported identity and may not be held liable or responsible for any damages sustained or incurred by you due to any User’s negligent or intentional concealment of his, her, or its proper identity.

9. Monitoring

Reality by Chanting is under no obligation to monitor the Site or any Site Content. However, we reserve the right to investigate possible violations of the Terms of Service, block Users from the Site, and refer matters to law enforcement authorities for further investigation. Reality by Chanting may disclose information to third parties, including Your Content, in accordance with its Privacy and Security Policy.

10. Feedback.

i. Dissatisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with the Site, please let us know by providing feedback to the customer support team through designated feedback areas of the Site or sending comments to info@Reality by Your input is valuable to us. Your only other remedy with respect to any dissatisfaction with (i) the Site, (ii) the Terms, (iii) any policy or practice of Reality by Chanting in operating the Site, or (iv) any content or information transmitted through the Site, is to terminate your usage of the Site and close your account. ii. Suggestions and Improvements. By sending us any ideas, suggestions, documents, and/or proposals ("Feedback"), you agree that (i) your Feedback does not contain the confidential or proprietary information of third parties, (ii) we are under no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the Feedback, (iii) we may have something similar to the Feedback already under consideration or in development, and (iv) you grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use, modify, publish, distribute, and sublicense the Feedback. 11. Information Control and Storage We do not control the information provided by Users made available through our system. You may find other User's information to be offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or deceptive. Please use caution and common sense when using the Site. Please note that there are also risks of dealing with underage persons or people acting under false pretense. Additionally, there may also be risks dealing with international trade and foreign nationals. By using this Site, you agree to accept such risks and that Reality by Chanting is not responsible for the acts or omissions of Users on the Site. You further hereby agree that Reality by Chanting is not responsible or liable for the deletion or failure to store information.

12. Exclusion of Warranties


13. Limitation of Liabilities


14. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Reality by Chanting, any and all parent, subsidiary, or affiliate organizations, officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys' fees, asserted by any third party that are in any way due to or arising out of your use of or conduct on the Site or Service. Reality by Chanting shall provide you reasonable notice of such claim.

15. Termination or Suspension of Service

If you wish to terminate your service, you may do so by furnishing us with written notice of your decision. Your notification must be sent via e-mail to info@Reality by Cancellations will be effective within 7 business days. All debts and fees must be paid before cancellation can take effect. We reserve the right to terminate your service at any time without cause or notice. In addition, we reserve the right to suspend your account indefinitely if we suspect any fraudulent or inappropriate activity is being conducted through the use of the Site (such as, for example, unauthorized use of a credit card), and such suspension will remain in effect until we are satisfied in our sole judgment that such activity is not occurring. Reality by Chanting shall have no obligation to maintain any Content in your account. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if a signed agreement exists between Reality by Chanting and a paying User and such signed agreement has a termination section or a clause related to termination, the termination of signed agreements and corresponding Use will be governed by the termination language in the signed agreement. Reality by Chanting reserves the right to exercise whatever lawful means it deems necessary to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Site, including, but not limited to, technological barriers, IP mapping, and contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) regarding such unauthorized use. Termination does not affect your liability or obligations under this Agreement.

16. No Endorsement of Non-Reality by Chanting Entity ; No Relationship with Users

Reality by Chanting may endeavor to offer to its Users products and services offered by non- Reality by Chanting entities. Placement of information, logos, links, or names of such non- Reality by Chanting entities on the Reality by Chanting Site does not constitute an endorsement or warranty of these entities, their products or services. Users take full responsibility for a decision to visit or patronize any such entity and hold Reality by Chanting harmless from any liability arising from such actions. You further acknowledge that no relationship (such as partnership, agent, joint venturer, or employee) is created between you and Reality by Chanting or between any User (including Clients and Consultants) and Reality by Chanting by formation of this Agreement (or any of the related Agreements) or by your participation on the Site. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER TO EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY OPINION, ADVICE, OR OTHER CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE, FROM ANY CLIENT, CONSULTANT, OR THIRD PARTIES, OR OBTAINED FROM A LINKED SITE. PLEASE SEEK THE ADVICE OF PROFESSIONALS, AS APPROPRIATE, REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF ANY SPECIFIC OPINION, ADVICE, PRODUCT, SERVICE, OR OTHER CONTENT. THE MATERIALS AND CONTENT PROVIDED BY Reality by Chanting AND ITS PROVIDERS ARE NOT INTENDED TO AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. REGISTRATION OR ENROLLMENT FOR THE SERVICE AND ACCEPTANCE OF A NEW ACCOUNT DOES NOT CREATE A PROFESSIONAL-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP AND ARE NOT THE SUBJECT OF PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY STANDARDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH.

17. Proprietary Rights of Content

You acknowledge and agree that Reality by Chanting owns the rights to its website www.Reality by and all Content displayed on the Site. You acknowledge that all Content, including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, video, graphics or other material contained in listings, sponsor advertisements, or email-distributed, commercially produced information presented to you by the Service, by Reality by Chanting, Reality by Chanting Users, Reality by Chanting advertisers, or other Content providers, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way Content available through the Service, including code and software for commercial purposes. For permission to use third party materials appearing on the Site, please contact the copyright owner. You do not acquire ownership rights to any Content, document, or other materials viewed through the Site. The posting of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials.

18. Disputes, Assignment, and Governing Law

These Terms and the related Agreements constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between you and us. If there is a conflict between an oral representation of any Reality by Chanting employee or agent and the Terms of this Agreement, the Terms of this Agreement will prevail. To the extent that anything in or associated with the Site is in conflict or inconsistent with this Agreement, the Terms of this Agreement will prevail. If any provision(s) of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect. You and Reality by Chanting agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to this Service must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred. You may not assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder to any other party. Reality by Chanting shall not be deemed to have waived any of our rights or remedies unless such waiver is in writing and signed by us. No delay or omission on the part of Reality by Chanting in exercising any rights or remedies shall operate as a waiver of such rights or remedies or any other rights or remedies on future occasions. The section titles in these Terms are solely used for the convenience of the parties and have no legal or contractual significance. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Each party using our Site or Service agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California, and agrees that venue for any action resulting from this Agreement or the use of our Service shall be in Orange County, California and waives any and all jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections.

19. Contact and Violations.

Please contact us with any questions regarding the Terms. Please report any violations of the Terms to our legal department through the contacts page or

20. Marks.

Reality by Chanting and the Reality by Chanting logo, are proprietary service marks of Reality by Chanting, Inc.
This Privacy and Security Policy applies to your use of the Reality by Chanting website located at www.Reality by (the "Reality by Chanting Site"), but not does apply to any third party sites that may be linked to it, or any relationships you may have with the businesses listed on the Reality by Chanting Site. A "User" is anyone who accesses, browses, crawls, scrapes, or in any way uses the Reality by Chanting Site. The terms "we", "us", and "Reality by Chanting" refer to Reality by Chanting, Ltd. The terms "you" and "your" refer to you, as a User of the Reality by Chanting Site. The term "personal information" means information that you provide to us that personally identifies you or how you are to be contacted or identified, such as your name, phone number, email address, and any other data that is tied to such information. BY USING THE Reality by Chanting SITE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY AND SECURITY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE Reality by Chanting SITE.

1. Information We Collect and How We Use It

Reality by Chanting values your privacy. We limit the collection of personal information to those items necessary to fulfill the purposes identified below. If we use your information in a manner different than the purpose for which it is collected, then we will ask you for your consent prior to such use. Account information. If you create an account to take advantage of the full range of services offered on the Reality by Chanting Site, we ask for and record personal information such as your name and email address. We use your email address to send you updates and news, and contact you on behalf of other Users (such as notification alerts from project or network activity). Public Submissions. We store and may publicly display your public submissions on the Reality by Chanting Site. When we display your submission, we do so together with your account name or chosen user name. The term "public submission" refers to the information that you submit or post to the Reality by Chanting Site for public display, such as information that you display as part of your public profile, recommendations, and/or publicly facing network pages. For purposes of clarification, information within a project workspace is private and not public, and will not be subject to this paragraph. Private Content. “Private Content” means the content that you submit, post, or transmit to the non-public areas of the Reality by Chanting Site, including but not limited to your secure workspaces. Feedback. If you contact us to provide feedback, register a complaint, or ask a question, we will record any personal information and other content that you provide in your communication so that we can effectively respond to your communication. Activity. We record information relating to your use of the Reality by Chanting Site, such as the searches you undertake, the pages you view, your browser type, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, timestamp information, transactions entered into, and parties transacted with on the Reality by Chanting Site. We use this type of information to administer the Reality by Chanting Site and provide the highest possible level of service to you. We also use this information in the aggregate to perform statistical analyses of User behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the Reality by Chanting Site. You cannot be identified from this aggregate information. Cookies. We might send cookies to your computer in order to uniquely indentify your browser and improve the quality of our service. The term "cookies" refers to small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer's hard drive while you are viewing the Reality by Chanting Site. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them). Persistent cookies can be removed by following your browser help file directions. Enforcement. We may use the information we collect in connection with your use of the Reality by Chanting Site (including your personal information) in order to investigate, enforce, and apply our Terms of Service and Privacy and Security Policy.

2. Transfer of Information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties in a good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) take action regarding suspected illegal activities; (b) enforce or apply our Terms of Service and Privacy and Security Policy; (c) comply with legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order; or (d) protect our rights, reputation, and property, or that of our Users, affiliates, or the public. Please note that we are not required to question or contest the validity of any search warrant, subpoena, or other similar governmental request that we receive. We may disclose information in the aggregate to third parties relating to User behavior in connection with actual or prospective business relationships with those third parties, such as advertisers and content distributors. For example, we may disclose the number of Users that have been exposed to, or clicked on, advertising banners.

3. Others' Information

You may choose to provide us with another person's e-mail address so that person may be invited to create an account on the Reality by Chanting Site. We use this information to contact and, if necessary, remind that person about the invitation. By providing us with another person's e-mail address, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the person concerned as regards such disclosure to us of their personal information. All invitees are provided with the option not to receive further invitations. We may disclose such information if required to do so in order to comply with legal process, as described above.

4. Links

The Reality by Chanting Site may contain links to third party sites to provide additional, value added services. Except as set forth herein, we do not share your personal information with those third parties, and are not responsible for their privacy practices. We suggest you read the privacy policies on all such third party websites.

5. Controlling Your Personal Data

To the extent you include personal information in your public submissions, such as a photo of yourself, third parties may be able to identify you, associate you with your user account, and contact you. Please do not include information in your public submissions that you expect to keep private. Please also note that the private messages you send or receive using the Reality by Chanting Site, and/or the Private Content contained generally within your project workspaces, are only private to the extent that you, the sender/recipient, and/or all project participants with access to the information keep such information private. For example, we do not have any control over whether a recipient of one of your private messages or a project participant publicly posts such information.

6. Security

Your account is password protected. We use industry leading measures, including site wide secure sockets layer protocols to protect the Private Content, the project workspace information, and personal information that is stored in our database or sent using the Reality by Chanting Site. We limit the access to your personal information to those employees and contractors who need access to perform their job function, such as our customer service personnel. If you have any questions about the security on the Reality by Chanting Site, please contact us. Although we take appropriate measures to safeguard against unauthorized disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that your personal information will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy and Security Policy. You hereby acknowledge that Reality by Chanting is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the internet, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.

7. Confidential Information

We take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that Private Content and any information shared in a private project workspace remains private and confidential between the project participants. We intend for confidential communications that are traditionally protected under a legally recognized privilege, such as attorney- client, doctor-patient, or psychotherapist-patient privileges, to be protected when those communications take place in a private project workspace. Privileged and confidential information that is intercepted in an unauthorized or unlawful manner should continue to be privileged and confidential. However, information shared between project participants in a project workspace may not be considered privileged and confidential if you or other project participants with access to the information make such information public or available to others. Information communicated by you in public submissions is not considered private and is most likely not protected by any of the aforementioned privileges. On occasion, our employees or other companies hired by us may need to access information in your private project workspaces to perform certain services related to customer support or site maintenance. Those employees or other companies are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose. Such access should not impact any privileges related to the information.

8. E-mails and Opt-out

You may opt-out of receiving e-mails from Reality by Chanting. Despite your indicated e-mail preferences, we may send you notices of any updates to our Terms of Service or Privacy and Security Policy.

9. Terms and Modifications to this Privacy Policy

We may modify this Privacy and Security Policy at any time, and we will post any new versions on this page. If we make any material changes in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you by sending an e-mail to the last e-mail address you provided to us and/or by prominently posting notice of the changes on the Reality by Chanting Site. Any such changes will be effective upon the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days following our dispatch of an e-mail notice to you or thirty (30) calendar days following our posting of notice of the changes on the Reality by Chanting Site. These changes will be effective immediately for new Users of the Reality by Chanting Site. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, this Section will not apply to license or subscription agreements between Reality by Chanting and its paying customers and any modifications to signed contracts between Reality by Chanting and paying Users will require written agreement and acceptance by all parties to the contract. Please note that at all times you are responsible for updating your personal information to provide us with your most current e-mail address. In the event that the last e-mail you have provided us is not valid, or for any reason is not capable of delivering to you the notice described above, our dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of the changes described in the notice. In any event, changes to this Privacy and Security Policy may affect our use of personal information that you provided us prior to our notification to you of the changes. If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your personal information, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of the Reality by Chanting Site following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.

10. Dispute Resolution

If you believe that Reality by Chanting has not adhered to this Privacy and Security Policy, you may write to the Reality by Chanting Privacy Office at info@Reality by In your email, please describe in as much detail as possible ways in which you believe we have not complied with the Privacy and Security Policy. We will investigate your complaint promptly.

11. Contacting the Website

Upon written request, subject to certain exceptions, Reality by Chanting will inform you of the existence of your personal information and will give you access to that information. Access requests should be sent to our Privacy Officer at When requesting access to your personal information, we may request specific information from you to enable us to confirm your identity and right to access, as well as to search for and provide the personal information that we hold about you. If you have any questions about this Privacy and Security Policy, the privacy practices of the Reality by Chanting Site, or if you want to exercise any of the rights that you are given under this Privacy and Security Policy, you can contact us at
Reality by Chanting takes the security of our product and customers’ data exceptionally seriously.
  • Security/Authentication: Reality by Chanting's product Oversing,  is secured by SSL encryption and requires a secure password for login. We support OpenID and OAuth2 Authentication, which can be tied back to an LDAP directory.
  • Database Segregation: At present Reality by Chanting creates separate databases for each organization that uses Oversing.  User information is stored in the central database. And all other information stored in the customer's database.  Oversing connects the user to his database when he logs in.
  • Administration: Oversing's user and account model is built on a permission set where only those given specific Administrative rights on the account can invite additional users and manage the permissions, financial rates, and privileges of the other users on the account.
  • Role Based Permissions: Oversing contains many low-level permissions for providing access to specific functionality. users are granted very limited access by default.  Users with administrative permissions can assign permissions to roles.  Then assign people to roles.   Users can then perform any function that his roles have permission to do so.
  • Project Based Permissions: By default, all project-specific collaboration, file sharing, and communication is visible only to users invited to participate in those projects, allowing administrators to control visibility and access. Users can be removed from projects,allowing the project administrator to take away their visibility into that project.  However, those with administrative permissions can open visibility if it suits the organization.
  • Object Based Permissions:  Permission Roles, Groups of Users and Users can be granted access to every single object in the system, overriding more general permissions.
  • Transparency:  Organizations differ, and Oversing is designed to promote transparency.  So users with Administrative permissions, can create a very closed, or a very transparent organization. Reality by Chanting does not control the degree of transparency in Oversing - the customer's users with Administrative Permissions do.
  • User Sessions: User sessions are individually tracked and can be controlled by account administrators.  Users can be disabled quickly, and kicked immediately from the system.
  • Audit Trail: Oversing contains a full audit trail in standard accounting form, including batch ID's and hashes, that provides auditors with fully traceable transactions back to the individual user for the entire lifecycle of any entry.   In the event that the detailed comments, workflow history, attachments, tasks, deliverables, or projects are deleted ("trashed" ) to reduce storage size, or for legal reasons, the various detailed journal entries are preserved.  Oversing's user interface provides no method of altering the accounting entries either in the journals or the ledgers.
  • Security Audits: Reality by Chanting is committed to performing annual internal and external audits of our software security to ensure that Oversing is SSAE 16 Type 2 Compliant, and both SOC I and SOC II Compliant with no exceptions.
Our goal is to help you and your team do the best work of your lives, every day. To do this, we need to keep our products and services running smoothly, quickly, and without distraction. For this to happen, we need help from you, our users. We need you not to misuse or abuse our products and services. To describe exactly what we mean by “misuse” or “abuse” – and help us identify such transgressions, and react accordingly – we’ve created this Acceptable Use Policy. Under this policy, we reserve the right to remove content that is inconsistent with the spirit of the guidelines, even if it’s something that is not forbidden by the letter of the policy. In other words, if you do something that isn’t listed here verbatim, but it looks or smells like something listed here, we may still remove it. Use your judgment, and let’s be kind to each other so we can keep creating great things. You can find all the legal fine print at the bottom of this page.

Here’s what we won’t allow:


  • Compromising the integrity of our systems. This could include probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of any system or network that hosts our services.
  • Tampering with, reverse-engineering, or hacking our services, circumventing any security or authentication measures, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the services, related systems, networks, or data
  • Modifying, disabling, or compromising the integrity or performance of the services or related systems, network or data
  • Deciphering any transmissions to or from the servers running the services
  • Overwhelming or attempting to overwhelm our infrastructure by imposing an unreasonably large load on our systems that consume extraordinary resources (CPUs, memory, disk space, bandwidth, etc.), such as:
    • Using “robots,” “spiders,” “offline readers,” or other automated systems to sends more request messages to our servers than a human could reasonably send in the same period of time by using a normal browser
    • Going far beyond the use parameters for any given service as described in its corresponding documentation
  • Consuming an unreasonable amount of storage for music, videos, pornography, etc., in a way that’s unrelated to the  purposes for which the services were designed

Wrongful activities

  • Misrepresentation of yourself, or disguising the origin of any content (including by “spoofing”, “phishing”, manipulating headers or other identifiers, impersonating anyone else, or falsely implying any sponsorship or association with Reality by Chanting or any third party)
  • Using the services to violate the privacy of others, including publishing or posting other people's private and confidential information without their express permission, or collecting or gathering other people’s personal information (including account names or information) from our services
  • Using our services to stalk, harass, or post direct, specific threats of violence against others
  • Using the Services for any illegal purpose, or in violation of any laws (including without limitation data, privacy, and export control laws)
  • Accessing or searching any part of the services by any means other than our publicly supported interfaces (for example, “scraping”)
  • Using meta tags or any other “hidden text” including Reality by Chanting’s or our suppliers’ product names or trademarks

Inappropriate communications

  • Using the services to generate or send unsolicited communications, advertising, chain letters, or spam
  • Soliciting our users for commercial purposes, unless expressly permitted by Reality by Chanting
  • Disparaging Reality by Chanting or our partners, vendors, or affiliates
  • Promoting or advertising products or services other than your own without appropriate authorization

Inappropriate content

  • Posting, uploading, sharing, submitting, or otherwise providing content that:
    • Infringes Reality by Chanting’s or a third party’s intellectual property or other rights, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral rights, privacy rights of publicity, or any other intellectual property right or proprietary or contractual right
    • You don’t have the right to submit
    • Is deceptive, fraudulent, illegal, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harmful to minors, pornographic (including child pornography, which we will remove and report to law enforcement, including the National Center for Missing and ExploitedChildren), indecent, harassing, hateful
    • Encourages illegal or tortious conduct or that is otherwise inappropriate
    • Attacks others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or medical condition
    • Contains viruses, bots, worms, scripting exploits, or other similar materials
    • Is intended to be inflammatory
    • Could otherwise cause damage to Reality by Chanting or any third party
In this Acceptable Use Policy, the term “content” means: (1) any information, data, text, software, code, scripts, music, sound, photos, graphics, videos, messages, tags, interactive features, or other materials that you post, upload, share, submit, or otherwise provide in any manner to the services and (2) any other materials, content, or data you provide to Reality by Chanting or use with the Services. Without affecting any other remedies available to us, Reality by Chanting may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend a user’s account or access to the services without notice or liability if Reality by Chanting (in its sole discretion) determines that a user has violated this Acceptable Use Policy.
These operational guidelines are a reference for law enforcement officials seeking customer records from Reality by Chanting. These guidelines are created as a courtesy and do not create obligations concerning how Reality by Chanting will respond in any particular case. Reality by Chanting’s policy on responding to law enforcement requests Reality by Chanting respects the rules and laws of the jurisdiction in which it operates as well as the privacy and rights of its customers. Consequently, Reality by Chanting provides customer information in response to law enforcement requests only when we believe that we are legally required to do so.  Our working assumption is that any and all law enforcement requests are pursued for political, personal, or other non-lawful purposes, and made by means of legal deceit, administrative abuse or intentional misrepresentation - and that our commercial, moral, civil and legal obligation is to reject them unless we are morally, civilly, and legally convinced otherwise. Consequently, to obtain non-public customer information, law enforcement officials must provide the appropriate legal documents required for the type of information being sought, such as a subpoena, court order, or a warrant. To protect our customers’ rights, we scrutinize all requests to ensure that they comply with the law. Reality by Chanting will not provide customer content without a search warrant (or an equivalent legal obligation supported by probable cause) that requires that the content be disclosed, and we will construe any such search as narrowly as we can imagine. What Reality by Chanting customer information may be available in response to a lawful request? The following information may be available in response to an enforceable government request:

Customer Information

  • Customer information supplied by the customer at time of ordering, including email address and country of origin. Other optional fields may be available if voluntarily supplied by the customer, including name, phone number, screen name, department, position, homepage URL, location, about me, avatar type, avatar URL, and instant messenger ID.
  • IP addresses associated with log-ins to a specific customer instance or user account
  • URLs accessed and time/date of that access
  • Billing contact information (name and billing address)(only if the user is a paying customer; we do not have billing contact information for users of our free accounts)
  • User access information for each customer instance
  • IP access information for customer instance ingress and egress (i.e., each time a customer takes an action in a customer instance)
  • Customer content and attachments
  Will Reality by Chanting preserve customer information? Yes. Reality by Chanting will preserve customer information for 90 days upon a valid request. Reality by Chanting will preserve information for an additional 90-day period upon receipt of a valid request to extend the preservation. If Reality by Chanting does not receive formal legal process for the preserved information before the end of the preservation period, the preserved information may be deleted when the preservation period expires. Preservation requests must be sent on official law enforcement letterhead, signed, and must include:
  • The relevant account information identified below (“What Reality by Chanting customer information must I include in my request?”) for the customer whose information is requested to be preserved
  • A valid return email address
  • A statement that steps are being taken to obtain a court order or other legal process for the data sought to be preserved Preservation requests may be sent via the service methods described below (“How do I serve a data request on Reality by Chanting?”).
How do I serve a data request on Reality by Chanting? A preservation request or request for data may be sent via email, certified mail or express courier, or delivered in-person to our corporate headquarters: Reality by Chanting Inc. Attn: Legal Department XXX XXXXXX London, UK Requests seeking testimony must be served on our registered agent for service of process. We do not accept those requests in person or via email. While we agree to accept service of law enforcement requests by these methods, neither Reality by Chanting nor our customers waive any legal rights based on this accommodation. Each request must include contact information for the authorized law enforcement agency official submitting the request, including: Requesting agency name Requesting agent name and badge/identification number Requesting agent employer-issued email address Requesting agent phone contact, including any extension Requesting agent mailing address (P.O. Box will not be accepted) Requested response date (see details below for emergency requests) What Reality by Chanting customer information must I include in my request? When requesting customer information, please provide as much of the following information that is available at the time of the request. Failure to provide the following information may hinder Reality by Chanting’s ability to respond in a timely manner. Customer Information: Username, email address, IP Address, URL Will Reality by Chanting notify customers of requests for account data? Yes. Reality by Chanting’s policy is to notify customers of requests for their data unless it is prohibited from doing so by statute or court order. Law enforcement officials who believe that notification would jeopardize an investigation should obtain an appropriate court order or other process that specifically prohibits customer notification. Further, if your request places Reality by Chanting on notice of an ongoing or prior violation of our terms of use, we will take action to prevent further abuse, including account termination and other actions that may notify the user that we are aware of their misconduct. If you believe in good faith that taking such actions will jeopardize your ongoing investigation, you may request that Reality by Chanting defer such action in your request and Reality by Chanting will take your request under advisement. It is the responsibility of the requesting law enforcement official to make this request, as it is Reality by Chanting’s policy to enforce its terms of use. Are there additional requirements for international requests? Yes. U.S. law authorizes Reality by Chanting to respond to requests for customer information from foreign law enforcement agencies that are issued via a U.S. court either by way of a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty request or letter rogatory. It is our policy to respond to such U.S. court ordered requests when properly served. Costs Reality by Chanting reserves the right to seek reimbursement for the costs associated with responding to law enforcement data requests, where appropriate. What should I do if I have an emergency request for data? Reality by Chanting evaluates emergency requests on a case-by-case basis. If we receive information that gives us a good faith belief that there is an emergency involving imminent harm to a child or the risk of death or serious physical injury to a person, we may provide information necessary to prevent that harm if we are in a position to do so. You may submit an emergency request via email to with the subject line: Emergency Disclosure Request. Please include all of the following information:
  • Identify the person who is in danger of death or serious physical injury, or the child who is at risk of imminent harm;
  • The nature of the emergency;
  • The relevant account information identified above (“What Reality by Chanting customer information must I include in my request?”) for the customer whose information is necessary to prevent an emergency;
  • The specific information requested and why that information is necessary to prevent the emergency; and
  • All other available details or context regarding the particular circumstances.